Saturday, June 21, 2008

Quotation 5

Explain the following,
". . . and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race,
so profound as the difference between the sick and the well. Wilson was so sick that he
looked guilty. . . ." (Nick after the accident)


Anonymous said...

There is a mistake with the comment above. This quote is not related directly with the accident but to what both men shared at that point in the story. As Wilson found out the affair Myrtle had with a "certain man,” he shared the same feelings that Tom had regarding Gatsby and Daisy. Although both men were different in numerous ways, wealth, power, character, the affairs their companions had was something that they both shared and had no control over whatsoever. In a way, both men reacted similarly to the events: Wilson locking Myrtle up where she was able to see Tom with Jordan which led to her accident and Tom worrying excessively about Gatsby and trying to degrade him later.

Janique said...

I agree with MinJae. This quote is explaining that although different, George and Tom reacted in the same way when they found out their wives were hiding something, having an affair. Coming from different social status did not affect the way they handled the same situation. They both reacted in the same way, taking the situation into their own hands. They were trying to control something that deep inside they knew maybe they could never change. This quote is just saying men are men. They can try hard to differenciate themselves with their money and status but in the end they all somehow think alike when in the same circumstances.

dani.k said...

In my opinion, Min Jae and Janique hit it right on. Tom and Wilson hid behind very different masks, but once those masks came off, they were just alike. Both Tom and Wilson lived in private little bubbles where they controlled every aspect of life, including others, and when they saw that not everyone shared their reality, and that they do not possess the control they believed to have, they just about lost it. Faced with the eye-opening situations, they are perfect examples that no matter how 'above it' we think we are, we cannot run away from human nature.