Saturday, June 21, 2008

Quotation 4

Explain the following,
"Her voice is full of money." (Gatsby to Nick about Daisy)


kristeena said...

When Gatsby says that Daisy's voice is full of money it explains a lot about her character. What he meant about her voice is that all she really cares about are material things. What it also means is that she uses her flirty whispers to get what she wants and she knows she can get away with anything. Another reason why Daisy's voice is full of money is because she has always been and always will be interested only in money. To her money is what makes the world go around.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kristeena's post regarding the meaning over Daisy's voice. As she has got used to being in a high level in society, Daisy is not willing to give it up over love. As i kept on reading I understood that to her love is just a frivolity in a sense, not a thing to put it over wealth. Although her love towards Gatsby is mutual, she is willing to just give him up to maintain a high place in society. To Gatsby, this comment regarding Daisy's voice and personality was the final realization that the love of Daisy towards him was merely an "affair" and that she wasn't going to compromise her place in society by leaving Tom for him. Although she didn't technically love Tom as much as she loved Gatsby, she enjoyed the money and her state thanks to Tom. This realization ultimately lead to him apparently giving up on her and life itself.

Anonymous said...

Gatsby notes that her voice is "full of money," to explain that she had never "wanted" anything due to the fact that everything was well provided, for being an educated elite and a daughter of an aristocratic family. On the other end, however, Gatsby and Nick are from the lower class. Although Gatsby succeeded, Nick remains struggling. Gatsby has confronts another problem though: he does not have the wealth that backs Daisy's sense of security.

Young Eui Hong said...

I agree with Kristeena as well. Daisy is from a high ranking part in society. All she wants is the only importance for her: money. This is why Gatsby says her voice is full of money; even though she may seem honest, her desire of money over anything else cannot be hidden. As Min Jae said, there is no way Daisy will choose Gatsby over Tom because of Tom being at a higher status.

Da-Re Kim said...

This expression or saying that Gatsby says to Nick tells alot about Daisy. This shows that Daisy cares so much about money that even when she talks, it seems like money is coming out of her mouth. I think it also shows that Daisy does take advantage of her wealth. By this i mean that she does not help society but only uses her money for her own benefits and goods.

dani.k said...

The paragraph that follows the quote explains it perfectly:
“It was full of money – that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals’ song of it… High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden girl…”
She had been raised to be a perfect little princess – spoiled rotten, a ‘golden girl’. Her sweet, melody of al voice doubtlessly had a lot to do with her being able to pull it off well through adult-hood, but it’s well detailed in the book that Daisy was one who got everything and anything her heart desired at the snap of a finger. She had been raised with finantial security, and she would always portray this security.

JinA said...

When Gatsby says that Daisy's voice is full of money, Nick realizes that that was what made Daisy's voice so indiscreet. Daisy had come from a high class background. Therefore, she was supposed to always be polite, charming, and perfect. She doesn't show her real her for so long that her true person (personality) doesn't exist anymore. Daisy was a product of a high class society afraid of going against the status quo. That is why Gatsby had a difficult time talking to her in her house.
"High in a white palace the king's daughter, the golden girl..."

Norberto said...

I agree with Kristeena. When Gatsby said she only speaks money is because every time she talks, it means she wants money or it has something to do with money. She always has her ways to get what she wants. From the description, she is supposed to be a very attractive woman, so she flirts her way into the wallets of men and has her own private party with that. She will always love money and therefore always speak money.

Maria S. said...
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Maria S. said...

I believe what this quote means is that her voice is as attractive as money. Money is what many people want more than anything in the world. Money gives the illusion of being able to get you perfection and undying happiness. Daisy’s voice attracts men and adds to Daisy’s beauty and perfection but sometimes money disappoints you in the end. Money doesn’t buy you love or happiness only materialistic things. In the end of the book that is what Daisy seems to be, an empty materialistic person, nothing deeper.

wggmn3 said...

The only difference I have w/ kristina's essentially correct response is a subtle one. Daisy actually doesn't even have to think about 'money' per se. She takes it (money) as a given, takes it for granted; in fact a direct reference to it would be beneath her, would even be a dirty thing. Social position, & the material well-being which goes along with it is, for her, a primary assumption. That's what makes her world go round, & 'love' is, at best, secondary to that - & that is why her 'love' for Gatsby is easily forgotten.. this is the key to understanding the novel, & why it's still important to our times...

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