Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daisy and men

What is Daisy's reaction to both Tom and Gatsby?


Anonymous said...

Daisy's reaction to both men is that, she loves both Gatsby and Tom. Even though her love for Gatsby was long lasting and "true," as she got married with Tom she grew accustomed to love him. In the conflict between Gatsby and Tom, her reaction towards Gatsby had changed because she had realized that he could not offer Daisy more to what she already had. Her love towards Tom was superficial because as she loved wealth and the position she had achieved, she "loved" Tom. Her reaction towards both men differed as she chose Tom over Gatsby.

kristeena said...

I disagree with what Min Jae says because I believe that Daisy does not love Gatsby. Yes, their was once a time that Daisy had loved Gatsby but when he left he was replaced with Tom. When she met Tom she fell in love with him and finally got over Gatsby although her memories were still with her. When Gatsby reappears in her life i felt that she was going back to her past and trying to relive her memories. Even though she tried to love Gatsby again she realizes that she would never leave Tom because her love for him is more mature and not just a memory. When Daisy flirts with Gatsby it is just her being playful and its almost the same way she treats Nick.

Anonymous said...

Kristeena made a good argument pointing out Daisy never "loved" Tom. Daisy never truely loved "Tom". The superficial love that Daisy had towards Tom was a mere alternative to Gatsby. Yet, I think Daisy attempted to reminisce the past memories with Gatsby but failed because it had a long period of time without Gatsby. After all, she did not show up at Gatsby's funeral.

Young Eui Hong said...

It is true that Daisy once loved Gatsby. However, time passed and she chose Tom for the money rather than waiting for Gatsby. When Gatsby appears in her life again, she may have been moved slightly by him again. However, when Gatsby dies, Daisy obviously chooses Tom because of the money. Also, Daisy would not have chosen Gatsby from the beginning because she is afraid of losing Tom.

Young Eui Hong said...

Also, I agree with Min Jae on the fact that Daisy loves both Gatsby and Tom. However, I disagree on the part of Daisy growing accustomed to love Tom. Daisy did not really love Tom, she simply found a replacement for Gatsby. If she would have truly loved Tom, she would have never had affairs with Gatsby in the first place.

Da-Re Kim said...

I agree with what kristeena said about Daisy not loving Gatsby. Daisy was hurt by leaving Gatsby but Tom who was there for her all the time, let Daisy know that she "cares" about Tom. Daisy does not even really love Tom. She loves what he is not who he is. Daisy is a lady who adores money, someone who would do anything for money. Tom and Daisy are very compatible with each other that Daisy and Gatsby would have never worked out.

Janique said...

I think Daisy always loved Gatsby. I think the love was always there but she was scared of leaving Tom and loosing everything. When Gatsby and Daisy were parted her love for him was hidden and was somewhat replaced by Tom. Daisy did love Tom but it wasn't in the same way that she loved Gatsby. Her love for Gatsby was, I think, forever and would never die. It was covered up by a love that was more security and assurance than real, true love.

Unknown said...

Daisy’s reaction to Tom is one of loyalty. Daisy mentions that she did love Tom once. I believe that although Daisy married Tom because he was wealthy, Daisy did come to love him. Daisy’s reaction to Gatsby is rather confounding. At times Daisy does seem to be in love with Gatsby but she chose Tom and not Gatsby at the end. I believe this was because she wanted to maintain who she is but also to show the reader the fact that Gatsby’s dream (represented by Daisy) is gone forever. This shows about the American dream during this period of time was of materialism.

dani.k said...

I disagree with everyone that has posted about Daisy 'loving Tom and/or Gatsby'.
Her reaction to both of them, before and after, had not been of love, but of self-interest. In every occasion, she would pick and choose between them based on what they could offer her at that moment; who could satisfy her wants. Gatsby came along offering a brand new outlook on the world, brand new experiences; he brought her the unknown that she longed for as she was trapped behind her rich walls. At that point, she loved not him, but what having him meant. The same happened with Tom, who offered security and solid ground. She switches from one to the other because they offer her what she wants when she wants it, not because of who they are. She chooses them according to what is convenient at the moment.

Norberto said...

Daisy is a very weak woman who is maneuvered easily by money and luxury. I think she only married Tom for the riches. At the same time, she did feel something for Gatsby, and possibly used Tom until she could contact Gatsby again. But I truly believe she wasn’t in love with any of them. Her true love was the money, the new cloths, the tasty food, and the attention. She only wanted what was most convenient for her. This led her to abandoning Gatsby and staying with Tom once again.

Unknown said...

I guess at different points of Daisy’s life, she loved different men. When she was younger, she loved Gatsby and their dynamic relationship; he was something that she probably never could have, because of their different social standings, which is why Gatsby left to search for wealth and satisfy Daisy’s needs. On the other hand, after Gatsby left, Tom was like a pole that Daisy could hold onto; stationary, and someone she could depend on. Tom had the wealth to support Daisy’s style of living and a comfortable and safe relationship between the two.