Thursday, June 19, 2008

The other characters

Are the other character's "phony"? Who are and why are why not?


Anonymous said...

Aside from Gatsby, I think all characters, TomDaisyJordan, were fairly accurate to reality. If most characters were phony, the novel would not have a functionaing society and the plot would be more skeptical.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Kyle has said about the character's role in the story. Tom, Daisy and Jordan represent well how high class people would act I suppose. But to me, people such as the ones hanging out with Myrtle seemed to me as phony. Not having the real wealth as the Buchanan's and Gatsby, Myrtle and the McKee's seemed fake to the reality they lived in.

kristeena said...

I would have to disagree with what both Min Jae and Kyle have to say. I believe that yes Tom, Daisy and Jordan "represent well how high class people would act" but to me this does not mean that they are not phony. I think that the three of the characters are phony in the sense that they are completely fake people with no feelings for others and have no personality except for arrogance. Not only are these characters phony but so are all the secondary characters that attend Gatsby's parties and Myrtle with her group of fake rich people.

Seo Hee (Kyle) Lee said...

I contradict to Kristeena's opinion of "the three of the characters are phony in the sense that they are completely fake people with no feelings for others and have no personality except for arrogance." First, I would like to know what defines a "completely fake person". Second, I have seen people in reality who do not have feelings for others and have no personality. Arrogance might be a different case, but lack of feeling and personality does not make a person "fake". Even people from the lower class can be emotionless, and homogeneous. They strive for survival, and, sometimes, they ignore others for their own benefits.

Janique said...

I think all of the characters in the book are phony but not the same phony like Gatsby. Gatsby was phony because of his love and adoration towards Daisy. I belive that Gatsby never meant any harmn to anyone. He might have exagerated a bit sometimes but he was never fake or stabbed someone in the back. To me Tom, Daisy, and Jordan were the most phony. I didn't like any of them. Daisy was a phony because she knew what she wanted but then always changed her mind and was leading Gatsby on. She always let Gatsby take the blame for her instead of standing up to her mistakes. In my opinion she used Gatsby's love to her advantage. Tom was just always aiming to be the good, nice, wealthy guy that did nothing wrong, but truly he was the cause of Gatsby's death and he knew it but didn't even care. Jordan was just always a liar, not alot more to say about her. Everyone was a phony, but not the same kind of phony.

Norberto said...

I agree with Kristeena. Even though most of the people behave like rich people should, they are fake and lack a personality. They are all interested in more power and wealth, thus consuming their true personality. All these people are arrogant and they act the same because they want to be seen as superior, so they see themselves acting most of the time.